The students gain basic knowledge about the composite construction material concrete as well as construction steel. The ability for estimating the load bearing characteristics of components made from these materials will be given. Additionally, structures loaded by bending moments, shear and normal forces can be designed for the ultimate limit state.
Part 1: Construction steel (Inst. f. Steel Construction)
- Components of steelwork
- Designing of bar-like components (beams, columns)
- Elastic, plastic loading conditions
Part 2: Basics of masonry construction (Institute for Concrete Construction)
- Building materials, assemblies and structural components
- Load-bearing behaviour of masonry
- Design of masonry
- Source of errors and the respective avoidance
The exam exists of theoretical and calculation tasks.
Tue 11:30 am - 13:00 pm, Building 3101 Room A104
Fri 8:00 am - 9:30 am, Building 3101 Room A104
Tue 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm, Building 3416 Room 001 (HB.A)
The dates of the assisted tutorials will be announced during the lectures.
The course will be held by lecturers of the Institute for Steel Construction and Institute for Concrete Construction.
Contact person Steel Construction

30167 Hannover