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Shojai, S, Schönamsgruber, F, Köhler, M & Ghafoori, E 2025, 'Impact of accelerated corrosion on weld geometry, hardness and residual stresses of offshore steel joints over time', Materials and design, Jg. 251, 113578.


Schaumann, P, Böhm, M, Schierl, C & Shojai, S 2024, 'Aktuelle Stahlbauforschung für die Offshore-Windenergie', STAHLBAU, Jg. 93, Nr. 7, S. 508-521.
Shojai, MS 2024, 'Analysis of corroded steel structures with local fatigue approaches', Doktor der Ingenieurwissenschaften, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, Hannover.
Shojai, S, Brömer, T, Ghafoori, E & Schaumann, P 2024, 'Application of local fatigue approaches on corroded welded joints with consideration of weld geometry and residual stresses', Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Jg. 129, 104215.
Shojai, S, Brömer, T, Ghafoori, E, Schaumann, P, Woitzik, C, Braun, M, Ehlers, S & Köhler, M 2024, 'Einfluss korrosiver Medien auf die Schwingfestigkeit von Offshore-Windenergieanlagen', DVS Innovationstag 2024, Düsseldorf, Deutschland, 10 Apr. 2024 - 11 Apr. 2024.
Shojai, S, Schaumann, P & Ghafoori, E 2024, 'Micro-support effect consideration in fatigue analysis of corroded steel based on real surface geometry', Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Jg. 212, 108259.


Shojai, S, Brömer, T, Ghafoori, E, Woitzik, C, Braun, M, Köhler, M & Schaumann, P 2023, 'Assessment of corrosion fatigue in welded joints using 3D surface scans, digital image correlation, hardness measurements, and residual stress analysis', International journal of fatigue, Jg. 176, 107866.
Woitzik, C, Braun, M, von Bock und Polach, F, Ehlers, S, Shojai, S & Schaumann, P 2023, Fatigue assessment of offshore wind turbine support structures subjected to seawater. in JW Ringsberg & CG Soares (Hrsg.), Advances in the Analysis and Design of Marine Structures - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Marine Structures, MARSTRUCT 2023. Advances in the Analysis and Design of Marine Structures - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Marine Structures, MARSTRUCT 2023, CRC Press/Balkema, S. 521-528, 9th International Conference on Marine Structures, MARSTRUCT 2023, Gothenburg, Schweden, 3 Apr. 2023.


Momber, AW, Nattkemper, TW, Langenkämper, D, Möller, T, Brün, D, Schaumann, P & Shojai, MS 2022, 'A data-based model for condition monitoring and maintenance planning for protective coating systems for wind tower structures', Renewable energy, Jg. 186, S. 957-973.,
Shojai, MS, Schaumann, P, Braun, M & Ehlers, S 2022, 'Influence of pitting corrosion on the fatigue strength of offshore steel structures based on 3D surface scans', International journal of fatigue, Jg. 164, 107128.
Shojai, MS, Schaumann, P & Brömer, T 2022, 'Probabilistic modelling of pitting corrosion and its impact on stress concentrations in steel structures in the offshore wind energy', Marine structures, Jg. 84, 103232.


Momber, A, Nattkemper, T, Langenkämper, D, Möller, T, Brün, D, Schaumann, P & Shojai, MS 2021, 'Digitalisierung und Verarbeitung von Sensordaten für die Zustandsbewertung von Oberflächenschutzsystemen stählerner Türme von Onshore-Windenergieanlagen' STAHLBAU, Jg. 90, Nr. 7, S. 528 - 541.